
Dasgupta, A., Arnal, L., Emerton, R., et al., 2023: Connecting hydrological modelling and forecasting from global to local scales: Perspectives from an international joint virtual workshop, Journal of Flood Risk Management [open access]

Emerton, R., C. Brimicombe, L. Magnusson, C. Roberts, C. Di Napoli, H.L. Cloke & F. Pappenberger, 2022: Predicting the unprecedented: forecasting the June 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwaveWeather. [open access]

Emerton, R., H.L. Cloke, A. Ficchi, L. Hawker, S. de Wit, L. Speight, C. Prudhomme, P. Rundell, R. West, J. Neal, J. Cuna, S. Harrigan, H. Titley, L. Magnusson, F. Pappenberger, N. Klingaman and E. Stephens, 2020: Emergency flood bulletins for Cyclones Idai and Kenneth: a critical evaluation of the use of global flood forecasts for international humanitarian preparedness and response, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50, 101811 [open access]

Wenyan, W., R. Emerton, Q. Duan, A. Wood, F. Wetterhall and D. Robertson, 2020: Ensemble flood forecasting: current status and future opportunities, WIREs Water, 7 (3), e1432

Emerton, R., E.M. Stephens and H.L. Cloke, 2019: What is the most useful approach for forecasting hydrological extremes during El Niño? Environmental Research Communications, 1 (031002) [open access]

Neumann, J.L., L. Arnal, R. Emerton, H. Griffith, S. Hyslop, S. Theofanidi and H.L. Cloke, 2018: Can seasonal hydrological forecasts inform local decisions and actions? A decision-making Activity. Geoscience Communication, 1, 35-37 [open access]

Emerton, R. et al., 2018: Developing a global operational seasonal hydro-meteorological forecasting system: GloFAS-Seasonal v1.0, Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 3327-3346 [open access]

Emerton, R. et al., 2017: Complex Picture for Likelihood of ENSO-Driven Flood Hazard, Nature Communications,  8, 14796 [open access]

Hirpa, F. A., F. Pappenberger, L. Arnal, C. A. Baugh, H. L. Cloke, E. Dutra, R. Emerton, et al., 2018: Global flood forecasting for averting disasters worldwide. Global Flood Hazard: Applications in Modeling, Mapping and Forecasting, G. Schumann, P. D. Bates, H. Apel and G. T. Aronica, Eds., AGU Geophysical Monograph 233, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken USA, 205- 228

Emerton, R. et al., 2016: Continental and Global Scale Flood Forecasting Systems, WIREs Water, 3 (3), 391-418 [open access]

Zsoter, E. et al., 2016: Building a Multi-Model Flood Prediction System with the TIGGE Archive, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17, 2923-2940  [open access]

Hodges, K. and Emerton, R., 2015: The Prediction of Northern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Extended Lifecycles by the ECMWF Ensemble and Deterministic Prediction Systems. Part 1: Tropical Cyclone Stage, Monthly Weather Review, 143, 5091-5114  [open access]